Many people think that Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance are one and the same. But they are not. There is a difference between Weight loss and Weight Maintenance. Weight loss, simply means losing weight, especially from those unwanted fat. Weight maintenance or Weight Control on the other hand is the process of maintaining your healthy weight for long periods of time. It is usually done after one has undergone some significant weight loss, and just wants to maintain his current weight, without losing more pounds or gaining some.
What is Healthy Weight Maintenance?
Simply put, healthy weight maintenance or weight control is a process of developing healthy habits towards eating and proper exercise. Weight maintenance is the habit in where you combine our healthy lifestyle together with a healthy diet and regular exercise to maintain your current healthy weight. Weight maintenance is important, especially for those who recently lost weight and would want to stay fit, and not go back to their former weight. So if you already lost 20 or 30 pounds and want to just maintain your current weight, we encourage you to have a healthy weight maintenance program, or risk gaining those lost weight after a few weeks.
How to Maintain a Healthy Weight?
A healthy weigh maintenance program takes a lot of dedication and hard work. It’s a daily struggle to avoid cravings as well as to slack off on your daily exercise routines. But if you develop a positive outlook, and has incorporated it into your system, weight maintenance would just be a breeze. These tips should help you maintain a healthy weight.
Weight Maintenance Tips
- Get a good breakfast
- Monitor your weight regularly
- 1 hour of exercise per day ( equivalent to losing 400 calories)
- Do some brisk walking or jogging ( walking is the most common weight maintenance exercise)
- Avoid fatty foods
- Control calorie intake ( about 1400 calories per day)
- Always be motivated
Having a Healthy weight maintenance or weight control is needed to keep your body fit and in tip top shape, especially after all the hard work you’ve been through in losing so much weight.
To know more in how to lose weight fast and other health tips, kindly check out our Tips on How to Lose 5 Pounds in a Week and other Weight Loss Tips.
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